
Tycoon city new york steam fix
Tycoon city new york steam fix

Although, I went through a process of finding individual files that were bad and removing them selectively, it took a very long time however I achieved a good result. You will lose some detail but most of the problems will go. * Anyone interested with a quick and dirty fix for some of the more obvious problems with this game try deleting the MODELS and ANIMS folders.

tycoon city new york steam fix

I have replaced the sky and some of the textures with much higher quality versions. * By forcing anti-aliasing for the game it actually looks very nice. I found it good to just disable those shadows by using the games configuration and lowering the detail level by 1 notch. * Sometimes the long shadows from buildings are bugged, they twitch and disappear-reappear.


I guess it lowers the performance, but I have a new pc and its fine for me. Forcing everything to use the high detail first level lod at all distances fixes this problem. This has an added bonus: sometimes in the game the different lod levels look weird, almost like a building is not the same building. * I've modified the lod (level of detail) and can see the people, buildings and objects at a much greater distance. With a bit of work I've been able to clear up 90% of the problems and the game is no longer crashing anymore, I can play as much as I like. There are a lot of broken files in this game, mostly models but also some animations. There have been no problems installing it on my system - win7 圆4. I sought to find bad files and remove them, in some instances making the game less pretty but worth it to correct problems.

tycoon city new york steam fix tycoon city new york steam fix

The steam version also has a large pak file, but will use the file from the data folder first if it finds one. The retail version relies on the files inside one large pak file. The steam version is using more files which are exposed in the data directory and a few of them have nicer detail, however there's a lot of problems with quite a few them. I own the retail version also, there's a bit of a difference between the 2. On the rare chance anyone is playing this anymore I thought i'd share this information.

Tycoon city new york steam fix